Join GPC
why join GPC?
First and foremost, GPC is about building a community of competitive players in Gwinnett. There are tons of players who enjoy open play and have no desire to compete. This group represents a majority of players in the sport right now, actually. But we built GPC to help foster community among those players who are looking to play competitively, in leagues and tournaments.
GPC offers a variety of activities, but is primarily about building community. Gwinnett County only has 12 dedicated courts in the county right now, so our ability to hold events is somewhat limited. This means that players in GPC cannot expect to be able to play in one of our events every single week; there simply isn't enough court time available for that. But if you're looking to meet other competitive players, and have plenty of opportunity to play in leagues and events, I hope you'll come join us!
Members of Gwinnett Pickleball Club enjoy a variety of social and competitive play events, including:
Weekly ladder leagues - currently we have ladders for all skill levels on Sunday afternoons at Rhodes Jordan, and Thursday evenings at EE Robinson. Your GPC membership includes a subscription to Pickleball Den, which we use for event management ($8/yr value). We may add additional ladders in the future.
Round Robins - we run a monthly round robin, played with a fixed partner. Brackets are divided by skill level, and are reported to DUPR.
Team Events - generally run in groups of 4-6 teams, run MLP style (2 men & 2 women).
Tournaments - a few times a year we'll be running larger tournaments.
Open play - always free, but your support ensures we have access!
join now
Here's a link to our club on Pickleball Den. The cost is only $30/yr, and you'll be prompted to pay upon joining the club. Dues are good for 12 months from whenever you join.
Once you get to the GPC page on Pickleball Den (link), simply tap Join Club under the logo.