DUPR Ratings
How do I get a rating?
First, you need a profile on DUPR.
If you have played a tournament through PickleballTournaments.com in the past couple years, you probably already have a rating, or at least a profile on DUPR. Go to mydupr.com and search for your name first. DO NOT create a new profile before searching for an existing one, otherwise you'll need to merge the accounts later.
If you have searched for yourself on mydupr.com and there isn't a profile for you yet, then click the "Sign Up" button and create an account.
Now that you have a profile, you need to enter scores into DUPR so that they can rate you, based on your performance against other existing players.
what are best practices to get a rating?
If you don't have a rating at all, here's the best way to get an accurate rating.
Play against two players who both have an existing rating. They should have ratings within 0.5 of each other. It's best if they are relatively close to your skill level. If the game is a blow-out (11-2 or 2-11), it won't make for a reliable rating. So if you find a pair of opponents where the loser (could be you or them) regularly gets 6+ points, that's great.
Play with another player of similar skill to yours.
It's best if your partner already has a rating.
If your partner does not have a rating, make sure you both play at a similar skill level. If you're vastly different, DUPR will have no way to know that, and you'll end-up with a rating that's somewhere between the two of you, leaving you both with an inaccurate initial rating.
what games count towards my rating?
Rec games - It's important that all players agree to enter the score into DUPR before the game is played. Then after the game, use the DUPR app to enter your score(s).
Leagues - Like rec games, make sure people agree ahead of time. Our ladder leagues are a great way to log a lot of games. The challenge, though, is that you change partners every game, and sometimes play with someone you haven't played with before. Tread carefully there; I think it's best to only enter scores from the ladder league if all 4 players know each other well and agree to enter them.
Tournaments - All scores from tournaments operating through DUPR or Pickleball Tournaments.com (and soon PickelballBrackets.com) are automatically entered into DUPR. If you play in another tournament, you can enter the scores manually, but again you should get agreement from opponents before playing the game.